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boiling mud pool中文是什么意思

用"boiling mud pool"造句"boiling mud pool"怎么读"boiling mud pool" in a sentence


  • 沸泥塘


  • A special feature of the north island is the central volcanic region with three still active volcanic peeks and internal activity featuring hot springs , geysers , and boiling mud pools
  • Geographically , it is a land of extremes ; fertile coastal plains , glaciated high mountain ranges , deep sinuous fiords surrounded by ancient forests , and volcanic plateaux complete with geysers , boiling mud pools and thermal springs
    从地理位置上看,新西兰是(世界)一块极端的( /极品级的)领土, (有)肥沃的沿海平原,冰封的高山山脉,还有由原始森林环绕着的深入的蜿蜒的峡湾,以及死活火山(这一句翻译得不甚准确) ,热泥浆池和温泉。
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